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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

SFMS Member Honored for Work on Physician Health and Wellness

SFMS member David R. Pating, MD has been named the recipient of the 2011 Gary S. Nye Award for Physician Well-Being. Dr. Pating was formally honored at the CMA House of Delegates in Anaheim over the weekend. While the Medical Board of California was struggling with the decision of whether or not to continue its Diversion Program, Dr. Pating–recognizing the critical importance of the program—worked with the board in an attempt to save the struggling program so it could continue to serve the needs of the physicians with substance abuse problems, while protecting the public. When the Diversion Program was finally shut down in July 2008, Dr. Pating worked closely with state and national leaders in an attempt to pass legislation to ensure the formation of a new state-mandated physician health program. He testified before hearings of committees, met with legislators and bureaucrats, and wrote evidence-based white papers and editorials in an ongoing effort to educate decision-makers on the value of ensuring the existence of a physician health program. As a direct result of Dr. Pating efforts, the California Public Protection and Physician Health (CPPPH), Inc., an independent non-profit corporation dedicated to developing a statewide physician health program, was established in 2009. He is a founding member of the CPPPH board. Dr. Pating is also active with the Permanente Group’s well-being committee, serves as an assistant clinical professor at the University of California, San Francisco and is a leader in organized medicine and his local community. The Gary S. Nye, MD Award for Physician Health and Well-Being is given annually to a California Medical Association member who has made significant contributions toward improving physician health and wellness. Please join the SFMS in congratulating Dr. Pating on receiving this prestigious award.

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